Thanks! [nt]

Sep 10, 2015,22:20 PM

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PuristSPro will be rolling out its new User Interface within the next 24 hours

 By: PuristSPro : September 7th, 2015-14:19
so this means the old User Interface will be completely phased out. We hope you have played around with the new UI since we previewed it 2 weeks ago. If you haven't done so yet, here's a link to the new UI: Any constructive feedback will be taken into ac...  

So no hope for...

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : September 7th, 2015-23:36
us rigid non adjustable oldtimers to somehow keep some of old page styles somewhere? Cordially D

Don't boo me; it's the brave new world of Google

 By: MTF : September 8th, 2015-06:59
We cannot afford the resources to maintain 5 different versions of the website that we used to have. Now with Google driving the WWW to be accessible to mobile devices, tablets and olde worlde personal computers AT the same time, we need one landing pad. ... 

Then just maybe...

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : September 8th, 2015-07:43
one old version :) Pretty please :) Well I for one should know that is adapt or die world out there for last few billion years.....still I'm one sad dinosaur Yours D

The only thing that annoys me is the non chronological order when clicking on a reply

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : September 8th, 2015-08:35
in a thread. It then moves to the 'beginning' of the page you are on, and that makes it a bit messy and confusing imo. Personally i'd rather have the reply to open (unfold) in the original chronologic position of the thread. Other than that: really like t... 

It takes a little getting used to.

 By: Bill : September 8th, 2015-08:58
We did build in some strong visual ques to show what is new. I hope you will give the new interface a chance to flourish. Bill


 By: Arie - Mr Orange : September 8th, 2015-10:34
Again: I do really like the new design.

One question

 By: KMII : September 8th, 2015-10:24
One thing I personally miss in the new design - which certainly looks nicely fresh - is the 'Front Page' tab, where all the posts from the main subforums get shown in the chronological order - makes it easy to see at a glance what is new IMHO. Any chance ... 

+1 [nt]

 By: kolosstt : September 8th, 2015-22:30

I am very lost.

 By: dr.kol : September 8th, 2015-11:59
The old version was like coming home and I think the logic was better. It was also easier to find the posts of interest. Why to fix something if it's not broken? Perhaps my age makes me resistant to changes. Best regards, Kari

Not convinced yet :(((

 By: crown comfort : September 8th, 2015-13:21
a lot of odd new behaviour, why can I not click the last reply on a post, always need to scroll through. The look and feel is a step backward I think. It reminds me of the Tiles in Windows 8, one of the most quirky user interfaces. I'm not against change,... 

Text size is one size now for a uniform look

 By: AnthonyTsai : September 8th, 2015-14:55
if you want to increase or decrease text size, just do so in your browser or your mobile device settings. That's the only way to do so now. Cheers, Anthony

We have tried to make it easier to spot the latest responses.

 By: Bill : September 8th, 2015-15:35
The old way we took you to the last response. However if there where three more responses buried in the thread you would not spot them. The red dots. They help identify which forums have new posts and which article and within the article which posts you h... 

Sub Forums

 By: SALMANPK : September 8th, 2015-17:14
Hope Everyone is Well, exciting times here with this new UI, my only issue is that I can't scroll down on the left side of the screen to access the brand sub forums. I'm using Chrome. S

Thank You Richard

 By: SALMANPK : September 9th, 2015-07:21
I tried to do what you wrote, but there is no scroll bar on the left side of the screen in order to scroll down to the Brand Sub Forums, there is only a scroll bar on the right which allows me to do scroll down and see the latest posts. I'm using Chrome o... 

The "scroll bar"...

 By: rnaden : September 9th, 2015-08:26
Is really the column where all the various categories and forums are listed out. Click anywhere on that column (or in between the brand forums) and you should be able to move up and down with the mouse or arrow keys. I use the same version of chrome as yo... 

Thanks Richard

 By: SALMANPK : September 10th, 2015-14:03
I was able to scroll down using the arrow keys after clicking on one of the categories, while it does work as a user experience it isn't that great and less convenient than the previous UI especially if one is interested in specific brands and any posts o... 

It's a problem for me...

 By: Tony C. : September 9th, 2015-08:00
I'm afraid that I will never be comfortable without a simple, chronologically threaded list of posts. I also find it odd that no other well-established watch forums have, to my knowledge, abandoned that basic set-up. I confess that I haven't put much time... 

I guess our approach was to focus on what is being discussed.

 By: Bill : September 9th, 2015-12:37
And the new threads are never very far down the list. It is a simple sort order but the hope was to streamline things so that there are not five views and three sort order to accommodate. Please give it a couple days and see if some of the visual cues hel... 


 By: Tony C. : September 9th, 2015-17:04
It's still unclear to me whether it will be necessary to be bombarded with numerous photographs. I don't have any reflexive objections to redesigns, but especially given that this forum is home to fairly serious discussions on a regular basis, I'm sure th... 

Points all well taken.

 By: Bill : September 9th, 2015-17:51
The reason why many forums are text only is because they have not evolved their systems. They are running fast to try and create apps to meet the more visual orientation of communication. But then the experience is different on each platform. We are try t... 

Speaking of

 By: KMII : September 9th, 2015-19:37
iPhone and computer versions, one thing I noticed is that on the computer version there is an \'Independent\' tab, which is called \'AHCI\' on the iPhone app - just a glitch with me, or an oversight?

Easy fix in the Iphone / Ipad app. Option Customize Forum List

 By: Bill : September 9th, 2015-19:48
Just go into the "customize Forum List" and choose Reset to original and you get the new forum name. Thanks for the heads up. Bill

Yes, but...

 By: Tony C. : September 10th, 2015-04:09
I understand the advantage of having an interface that will work seamlessly across multiple platforms. I also appreciate that I am in a small minority in that I use computers but not smartphones or iPads. And, I don't deny the importance of websites appea... 

1 [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : September 10th, 2015-14:07

all noted. [nt]

 By: Bill : September 10th, 2015-15:18


 By: cisco : September 13th, 2015-03:52
I think my problem is that I am a PC user and not a smartphone one. And same thing, I don't care about eye candy there are other supports for that which are way better and more powerful with network that a forum just can't have. Forums are to put some inf... 

Our goal is much more honorable

 By: Bill : September 13th, 2015-08:10
It is convenience that we seek for our members. Once you are beyond the frontpage of each forum you are the dame familiar threaded discussion territory. The format has been enhanced by giving the flexibility to efficiently display the content as well as r... 

Thanks for your explanation

 By: cisco : September 13th, 2015-10:09
Well for the convenience I am not sure about, it's quite confusing, mayube my eyes will adapt but I don't see a clear structure, the "load more comments" ervery time is really not my cup of tea, I like to have a "flat view with all anszers on a subject", ... 

Wrist scan is a particular thread

 By: Bill : September 13th, 2015-10:16
with hundreds of responses. The worry is if we open 100 responses and 75 have large images you will be wasting a lot of band width. Just try to be responsible with user resources. Just give us a little time to tune things. Wrist scan is a very visual thre...  

Agreed, Tony

 By: Tim_M : September 13th, 2015-06:09
The written content, sometimes supported (but not dominated) by images, is what drives my interest in this website. Along with the "no-prices/no-schilling" code of conduct, the ability to use a robust search function to recall this written material for re... 

You kind words are greatly appreciated.

 By: Bill : September 13th, 2015-08:02
Our hope is not to change the nature of the site but to add to the convenience of the ability to browse and use the site from all devices. I don't believe the mobility factor will change the character but all interaction at any time. I think you will agre... 

I am struggling

 By: respo : September 10th, 2015-05:47
I have to admit, I am really struggling without at least a Frontpage feature with chronological listing of posts. I feel like I need a manual or instructions of some sort as to how best to navigate the new format, and that seems counterintuitive to a user... 

Hang in there please we are listening to all feedback and working very hard to make it happen.

 By: Bill : September 10th, 2015-08:35
I am a pretty heavy user so I am not talking out of school so please let us iron out the kinks.

Maybe a silly question

 By: KMII : September 10th, 2015-11:39
But have not managed to find a way to send and / or check my PMs on the iPhone app. Am I missing something or is the functionality yet to come?

On the app it uses your native email.

 By: Bill : September 10th, 2015-13:47
This means when you click on the user avatar and choose send pm the app generates the message in your email. And answers will come to your email. On the web mobile interface when you click on the avatar to send PM you get a pop up window. You can also loo... 

Thanks! [nt]

 By: KMII : September 10th, 2015-22:20

There is an option to mark all as read in the right Menu "Head"

 By: Bill : September 10th, 2015-18:03
Once you set all as read leave and visit the site in the next 24hrs and follow the red dots. First will be the forum with a new posts (Red star) and then inside it will signal the post with a red marker (red around the number of response - last responder)... 

How can I find old posts?

 By: cazalea : September 10th, 2015-12:27
I searched in Google for some of my old posts, found them, clicked on the link and got brought to the front page. Multiple times, multiple searches, same result. How do I find old material from 1-2 years ago?? Thanks, Mike

I share Mike's concern about external navigation to old posts

 By: Tim_M : September 13th, 2015-06:18
Hi Bill, thank you for efforts to restore this reference resource. After years of viewing the site, I can recall many older threads of interest but often used Google to navigate to them when only general parameters (e.g., phrases, topics, etc.) of the old... 

Hi Nicolas, I have tried both a few times

 By: Tim_M : September 13th, 2015-06:43
In my experience, both the internal and external search tools have their uses. Because Google and the internal search have different graphical layouts and functional logic, I used both to good effect. Being unable to navigate to the old content via Google... 

That is correct

 By: Bill : September 13th, 2015-07:55
We are in the process of trying to get the old pages to respond while the new pages get re indexed. This is a lot more of a black art than a science. Thanks for your patience. Bill

Reindex is ongoing and improving

 By: Bill : September 14th, 2015-18:15
Also the references and images that are stored on google should land on the page you expect rather than a generic one. Working hard to improve things. Thank you for your kind patience. We do not plan on leaving content loose in the ether. It will be avail... 

I generally like it but on Collectors Market...

 By: Dave G : September 10th, 2015-12:50
I miss seeing the prices without opening each post and really important the country where the watch is (the flags).

Dear Bill

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : September 11th, 2015-00:00
This is massive job you are doing for us Thank you for that Sorry for my nagging...but I still "feel" old UI was more pure this one is modern and very attractive but for what sort of public :) Anyway I have issues on Win platform under Firefox can't reply... 

Browser issues

 By: crown comfort : September 11th, 2015-07:10
Same here: with Firefox on Windows there are issues with the menues and navigating. On the Mac, now my beloved Omniweb is not working at all for posting :( I guess I'm old school or maybe already vintage?

CC that is not bad idea....

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : September 11th, 2015-07:14
to have new PPro UI and Vintage PPro UI :) Yours D

Just need iron out the bugs first

 By: Bill : September 12th, 2015-14:32
And then find some old school solutions.

How to scroll the left windows list within browser mode ? How can I navigate to the previous Prurists TV & video in right pane ?

 By: hs111 : September 12th, 2015-08:25
I have been an early tester for the iOS APP and did practically not use the Browser mode on the Laptop ( within Safari/Apple). - Overall I am quite happy, specifically for the iOS devices.. - Although I have been getting used to most aspects of navigating... 

Reply to Q1

 By: Mark in Paris : September 12th, 2015-09:00
Hi hs, personally I use the scrolling wheel of my mouse: on the left list for the list and on the central part for the posts. Hope this helps! Cheers, Mark

Thx Mark, sounds good !.. :))

 By: hs111 : September 12th, 2015-09:39
Don\'t use a mouse, just trackpad on Apple Laptop,, but that should work as well .. BTW: middle pane ( w posts) was no problem, as this window has a scroll bar for just click & hold + draw up/down. Thx again & Best, hs.

Two fingers to scroll either left panel (menu) or right panel Posts. Standard mac trackpad movement. [nt]

 By: Bill : September 12th, 2015-11:28
See picture Select side two finger scroll left menu Two finger scroll right panel. ...  

thanks for the effort, nice look but...

 By: cisco : September 13th, 2015-03:37
-the interface needs a lot of click to see and show the last answers, very confusing and asking more effort, users want as less click as possible, any click more is a negative point and it has gotten really worse. I see an uploader for photos but no easy ... 

Strange behaviour or navigation mistake ?.. ;))

 By: hs111 : September 13th, 2015-07:36
I am using the new APP, predominantly on iOS devices ( iPhone, iPad); - as long as I stay within the App, navigate criss/cross which mostly looks fine Here the little glitch: 1/ - when hitting \'Show in Browser" for a given post, the engine will not re-di... 

Please confirm

 By: Bill : September 14th, 2015-18:19
Show in browser should be taking you directly to the article in question and not generic page. Best Bill

Yes, OK ! -- understood, thanks !

 By: hs111 : September 15th, 2015-10:47
When I do it on iPhone it gets me to the post, where I jumped off - So, all ok here.. I will test the other platforms.. Best, hs

I find the new format very difficult in many ways...

 By: jporos : September 14th, 2015-10:02
First the mobile problems. The site will constantly reload on the standard browser on a Samsung Galaxy so I am opening it in Chrome on my phone. Even in Chrome, the response is slow and awkward. On the desktop, there are some really nice features from the... 

New Format is creative, maybe mobile friendly..but needs a lot of work along the way....

 By: jaihoo : September 14th, 2015-15:32
1. Search....old one had an active parser - just a few letters were enuf to load relevant search results. New one tracks recent searches. 2. Collectors Mkt ....Price and Flags(IP) are missing. 3. Content....Flash/Home Page has less content visible for qui... 

We are listening

 By: Bill : September 14th, 2015-18:05
All your thoughts are being taken on board. Just chasing around a little to get in as many improvements as possible. Thanks Bill

Found a couple more deficiencies which if added wud be helpful...

 By: jaihoo : September 15th, 2015-06:16
1. CM Search - omits the flag/price 2. CM Search - Cudnt find a way to shortlist/extract FSvsWTBvsWTTvsSOLD listings. Previous version had tabs 3. Comments - doesnt have a page directory just has more comments + previous comments links at the EOP.

Great! Thanks for the flags...I...

 By: Dave G : September 17th, 2015-06:26
Great! Thanks for the flags...I always look for the local pieces for sale and this is a big help. Sent from my iPad

One more observation

 By: KMII : September 16th, 2015-04:18
I am not sure if this is just my computer or a bug that suddenly got in. Namely on my compter the little reply buttons do not seem to work anymore - i.e. I can reply to the main post but not to specific comments. Worked fine yesterday but no longer today;... 

Same here.

 By: fernando : September 17th, 2015-17:18
The reply buttons don't work for me except on the main post. :(

As you were.

 By: fernando : September 17th, 2015-17:38
It's working now! :)

It was a little bug should be fixed.

 By: Bill : September 17th, 2015-18:06
Let us know. Thanks

One little detail to still report.. Re: Front page menu choice ( enables time related view-links). ;))

 By: hs111 : September 19th, 2015-02:05
The Front Page choice is not present in the mobile APP version; It just works in Browser view., Can we have that selection in all versions, pls ! Otherwise, it appears humming along .. - Thx for all the great work by the Dev Team ! Best, hs